Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's

Ranibai Agnihotri Institute Of Computer Science & Information Technology,Wardha

Ramnagar,Bapuji Wadi,Wardha-442001,Maharashtra,India
NAAC Accredited

Approved by AICTE,New Delhi,Recognised by Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to R.T.M,Nagpur University


General Instruction

Ragging is Banned

"As per Hon'ble Superme Court of India order dated 4th May 2001 in writ petition no.656 of 1998.Raggin Banned in the educational institution and way one indulging in ragging is directly to be punished appropriately which punishment may include expulsion from the institution, suspension from the institution suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period or fine with a public apology."

Admission Procedure

For OFF-LINE Admission the candidate will have to visit college where admission councelling will be available from 8 a.m to 5 p.m.

For ONLINE Admission the candidate will have to visit college website www.raicit.org where admission menu available there all the Process of Admission are available in details

The candidtate is required to submit their original documents ( with 4 passport size photographs) along with the prescribed admission form.

The candidate can also get admission through the RAICSIT and AGIs Centers.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the following code of conduct applies to the students for academics,athletic and extracurricular activities.

Dress Code

All students are expected to be neat and well-groomed at all times, Clothing must be washed and pressed .


White Shirt Black Trousers(Jeans pant not allowed)

College T-Shirt Two Days Wednesday is Optional(T-Shirt/Civil Dress Code) and Saturday is compulsory.


White Shirt Black Trousers(Jeans pant not allowed), Black shoes & Black belt

College T-Shirt Two Days Wednesday is Optional(T-Shirt/Civil Dress Code) and Saturday is compulsory

Cell phones and portable music devices can not be used during class and other college commitments.


Absence for reasons other than mentioned below is discourged illness,special family occassions or emergencies may require a student to be absent and will be considered without penalty as previous intimation given to the class Teacher.

75% minimum attendance is compulsary.The student must complete all practical work and assigntments in time.The student must appear for all unit tests and sessional examination.

College Events of Compulsary Nature

Independance Day - 15th Aug

Seva Satkar Samaroh (14 Jan)

Republic Day (26 Jan)

It of entrepreneurship, invention and innovation, advanture and nationality in our students"

It is expected that students will behave at all times in manner,which will bring credit to themselves and to the college.

Designed and Developed by Prof.Saif Qazi